The Love of God
LYRICS: Frederick M. Lehman (1917)
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell.
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
the saints’ and angels’ song.
When hoary time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall;
When men who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call;
God’s love, so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—
The saints’ and angels’ song.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
the saints’ and angels’ song.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
the saints’ and angels’ song.
Reckless Love
LYRICS & MUSIC: Caleb Culver, Cory Asbury, Ran Jackson (2017)
Before I spoke a word,
You were singing over me
You have been so, so good to me
Before I took a breath,
You breathed Your life in me
You have been so, so kind to me
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending,
reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found,
leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it,
still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending,
reckless love of God
When I was Your foe,
still Your love fought for me
You have been so, so good to me
When I felt no worth,
You paid it all for me
You have been so, so kind to me
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending,
reckless love of God
Oh, it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found,
leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it,
still, You give Yourself away
Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending,
reckless love of God
There’s no shadow You won’t light up
Mountain You won’t climb up
Coming after me
There’s no wall You won’t kick down
Lie You won’t tear down
Coming after me
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
LYRICS: Samuel Trevor Francies (1875)
MUSIC: Thomas John Williams (1897)
Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus—
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free—
Rolling as a mighty ocean
In its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me
Is the current of His love—
Leading onward, leading homeward
To His glorious rest above.
Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus—
Spread His praise from shore to shore!
Praise His mercy, praise His goodness;
Praise His love forevermore.
How He watcheth o’er His loved ones,
Died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth,
Watcheth o’er them from His throne.
Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus—
Love of ev’ry love the best—
’Tis an ocean vast of blessing;
’Tis a haven sweet of rest.
Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus—
’Tis a heav’n of heav’ns to me;
And it lifts me up to glory,
Lifts me up eternally.
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
LYRICS: Frederick W. Faber (1862)
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy,
Like the wideness of the sea;
There’s a kindness in God’s justice,
Which is more than liberty.
There is welcome for the sinner,
And more graces for the good;
There is mercy with the Savior,
There is healing in His blood.
But we make God’s love too narrow
By false limits of our own,
And we magnify its strictness
With a zeal God will not own.
For the love of God is broader
Than the measures of the mind,
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.
If our love were but more simple,
We should rest upon God’s word,
And our lives would be illumined
By the presence of our Lord.