FEB 16



Next Steps Class

If you’re interested in taking your next step in the discipleship process (including church membership), you’ll want to consider being a part of our Next Steps class. It’s a 4-week gathering where we explore ways you can continue to grow.

FEB 16

SUN • 10:30AM


Alabaster Sunday

Join us Sunday as we celebrate the international church and take up an offering for missionary projects around the world.

FEB 16

SUN • 3:30PM


Teen Bible Quizzing

Teens are welcome to join us as we study the gospel of Luke this year!

Contact Sandy Davila

    FEB 16

    SUN • 6PM


    College Life Group

    Join us every other Sunday evening at 6PM @ Lakeholm for a time of fellowship, worship, and conversation.

      FEB 17

      MON • 6-7PM


      Dare to Care - graphic

      Dare to Care

      Dare to Care is a ministry to our congregation and visitors where phone calls are made, cards are sent, and prayers are offered in an effort to connect our church family and help bear one another’s burdens.

      If you would like to be part of this ministry, contact the church office at churchoffice@lakeholm.org

      FEB 18

      TUE • 10-11:30AM


      Women’s Bible Study

      Join us in the banquet room every Tuesday morning January 7th through February 25th. We will be studying the book of Joshua using Louie Giglio’s 8-week series “Courage for Everyday People.”

      FEB 19

      WED • 6PM


      LSM Youth Group

      6th to 12th graders, join us every Wednesday for group games, worship service, and break out groups.

      5:45PM – doors open
      6PM – group game
      6:45 – service starts
      8pm – break out groups

        FEB 19

        WED • 7PM


        Lakeholm Choir Rehearsal

        Join us each Wednesday evening for choir practice!

        Questions? Email Dr. Bob Tocheff:

          FEB 20

          THU • 6PM


          Men’s Night Out

          Watts Restaurant
          77 S. Main St., Utica
            If you want to carpool, we will leave Lakeholm at 5:40pm.
            Contact Alan Reed if you plan to attend: 740-358-2686.

              FEB 20

              THU • 6:30PM


              Ladies Movie Night

              Join us for a movie night at the Farnham’s.  Sign up to let us know you’re coming and what snack you can bring! Beverages provided.

              FEB 23

              SUN • 7-8PM


              LSM Volleyball Night

              Join us at MVNU for a guys vs. girls volleyball night.

                MAR 5

                WED • NOON


                Prime Time

                Join us for lunch and fellowship.

                Bob & Linda Comerford and Jack & Anita Miller

                MAR 5

                WED • 6PM


                Ladies’ Bible Study

                Join us Wednesday evenings for a study on Prayer. Resources will be provided.

                MAR 14-15



                Women’s Auxiliary Conference

                More information at: mvnu.edu/womensaux

                Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene
                16001 Glen Rd.
                Mt. Vernon, OH, 43050
                (740) 397-1105

                Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene
                16001 Glen Rd.
                Mt. Vernon, OH, 43050
                (740) 397-1105

                Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene
                16001 Glen Rd.
                Mt. Vernon, OH, 43050
                (740) 397-1105