THU • 6:30PM


Ladies’ Night Out

Join us for a fun time making scented candles and other items at The Blessed Life here in Mount Vernon. 100 East Ohio Avenue.

Questions: Lynda Small 740-398-4112


SUN • 10:30AM


Advent Worship: Week 2 – Peace

Join us this Sunday morning as we worship with the adult choir!

    DEC 8

    SUN • 3:30PM


    Teen Bible Quizzing

    Teens are welcome to join us as we study the gospel of Luke this year!

    Contact Sandy Davila

      DEC 8

      SUN • 6PM


      College Life Group

      Join us this Sunday evening at 6PM @ the home of Stuart and Lori Washington for a time of fellowship, hot cocoa, cookies and carols!

      Washington Home
      7440 Tucker Rd.
      Centerburg, OH, 43011

      DEC 9

      MON • 6-7PM


      Dare to Care - graphic

      Dare to Care

      Dare to Care is a ministry to our congregation and visitors where phone calls are made, cards are sent, and prayers are offered in an effort to connect our church family and help bear one another’s burdens.

      If you would like to be part of this ministry, contact the church office at

      DEC 9

      MON • 7PM



      Bob and Annie Morrison lead this grief recovery support group for those who desire help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend.

      Meets every Monday evening in the banquet room. Each session is independent, so join anytime.


      DEC 11

      WED • 6PM


      LSM Youth Group

      We kickoff our fall routine with group games, worship service, and break out groups.

      5:45PM – doors open
      6PM – group game
      6:45 – service starts
      8pm – break out groups

        DEC 11

        WED • 6-8PM


        Discovery Kids Christmas Party

        Kids are invited for a fun evening of cookie decorating, crafts and games.

        Contact Jenny Packard

          DEC 11

          WED • 7PM


          Lakeholm Choir Rehearsal

          Join us each Wednesday evening for choir practice!

          Questions? Email Dr. Bob Tocheff:

            DEC 15

            SUN • 10:30AM

            ADVENT 3

            Advent Worship: Week 3 – Joy

            Join us this Sunday morning as we worship with special music from our kids!

              DEC 18

              SUN • 6-8PM


              LSM Family Christmas Party

              Youth and their families invited to celebrate Christmas at Kassandra’s barn. Food, fun, games, hangout.  Food: potluck style–soup, salad, sandwhiches, etc.

              Kassandra’s barn
              9520 Laymon Rd., Gambier, OH

              Fill out the form below and let us know what you can bring!

                DEC 22

                SUN • 10:30AM

                ADVENT 4

                Advent Worship: Week 4 – Love

                Join us this Sunday morning as we worship together this Advent morning.

                  DEC 24

                  TUE • 6PM


                  Christmas Eve

                  Join us for a service of candlelight, music, reflection, and scripture.

                    JAN 12

                    SUN • 9AM


                    Next Steps Class

                    If you’re interested in taking your next step in the discipleship process (including church membership), you’ll want to consider being a part of our Next Steps class. It’s a 4-week gathering where we explore ways you can continue to grow.

                    Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene
                    16001 Glen Rd.
                    Mt. Vernon, OH, 43050
                    (740) 397-1105

                    Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene
                    16001 Glen Rd.
                    Mt. Vernon, OH, 43050
                    (740) 397-1105

                    Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene
                    16001 Glen Rd.
                    Mt. Vernon, OH, 43050
                    (740) 397-1105