Check out the Life Groups below, then share with us those you are interested in by filling out the form below.
Prime Time
(first Wednesdays)

First Wednesday of the month
For Adults 55+
Leaders: Comerford/Miller
For those who are new to Lakeholm and looking to connect with others and to find a place to meet new people. Conversation is casual and revolves around the pastor’s sermon for the day.
Men’s Breakfast

All men welcome
Southside Diner
An early morning time for fellowship and good food to start the day.
Youth Life Group
SUN • 8:45AM

Middle School and High School Students (7-12)
Youth Center
This is an exciting time of fellowship and conversation around topics that are geared specifically for teens. Focused on becoming better disciples of Jesus Christ.
College Life Group

Meets at The Barn & MVNU
Every other Sunday PM
No childcare available
This gathering of college students is a balance between fellowship and engaging conversation. A terrific opportunity to share a meal, engage in conversation, and meet new friends.
Women’s Bible Study
TUE • 10-11:30AM

Women 18+
Meets in Banquet Room
No childcare available
Join other women to study God’s Word, fellowship with one another, explore the Scriptures, and find everday application.
Women’s Bible Study
WED • 6:00-7:30PM

Women 18+
Meets in Banquet Room
No childcare available
Designed for those who are currently working or who cannot meet during the day.
SUN • 6-8PM
(alternating Sundays)

Adults 35-55
VanValkenburg’s Home
Children welcome
Sharing life, encouraging other, and diving into Scripture and/or a book study. Food and fellowship most days!

Adults 20s-40s
Kids and Youth activities available
Discussion-based study of Scripture and/or a book.Â
(SEP 11 – NOV 20)

Bob and Annie Morrison (leaders)
For those grieving a loss
Banquet Room at Lakeholm
No childcare available
Among Friends / Cornerstone
SUN • 9-10AM

Ed Thomas & Joseph Lechner (leaders)
Class for Adults
Meets in Gilley Hall
Adult Life Group geared around biblical study and theological conversation. Sometimes book based or video based. Join us also for prayer, fellowship, coffee, and snacks.
Bible Study
SUN • 9-10AM

Bruce Peterson (leader)
Class for Adults
Meets in Gilley Hall
Life group which revolves around teaching and discussion of the Bible. Currently studying the gospel of John.
Morrison Life Group
SUN • 6-8PM
(2nd & 4th Sundays)

Bob Morrison (leader)
For Adults
Home of Bob & Annie Morrison
Life group balancing fellowship with discussion of the pastor’s morning message and other topics.
Mallard Pointe Group
SUN • 6-8PM
(3rd Sunday of month)

Janice Nielson (leader)
For Adults
Home of Janice Nielson
Life group balancing fellowship with discussion of the pastor’s morning message and other topics.
Hymn Sing & Prayer
SUN • 6:00-7:30PM
(1st & 3rd Sundays)

Steve & Glee Smith (leader)
For Adults
Home of Steve & Glee Smith
Life group blending hymns, prayer, and fellowship.Â
Discipleship 101
WED • 6:30-8PM (Fall)

Pastor Scott Sharpes (leader)
All ages welcome
Meets at Lakeholm
This group focuses on the core beliefs of the Christian faith. Our time will help you assess your spiritual life, pinpoint areas that need special attention, and give you tools to help you grow.
Discipleship 201
WED • 6:30-8PM (Spring)

Pastor Scott Sharpes (leader)
All ages welcome
Meets at Lakeholm
This group focuses on Christ-like virtues. Our time will help you assess your spiritual life, pinpoint areas that need special attention, and give you tools to help you grow.
Discipleship 301
WED • 6:30-8PM (Spring/Summer)

Pastor Scott Sharpes (leader)
All ages welcome
Meets at Lakeholm
This group focuses on Christian virtues. Our time will help you assess your spiritual life, pinpoint areas that need special attention, and give you tools to help you grow.
Discipleship 401
Time: TBD

Pastor Scott Sharpes (leader)
All ages welcome
Meets at Lakeholm
This study moves into deeper theology of what and why we believe what we believe.