Discipleship Questions

Updated weekly.

February 2, 2025

Exodus 1-7; 10-17

1. Tell about a time you were minding your own business, going through your normal life, and God showed up, revealed himself, or spoke to you in some surprising way.

2. God is dramatically active in his people’s deliverance- he is engaged, he cares. Looking specifically at verses 7-10, what do you learn about God in the following areas:
i. What did God see, hear, and feel?
ii. What did God say he would do?
iii. What did God call Moses to do?

3. How did Moses see himself and his abilities and how did God see him? Tell about a conversation you had with God that may have sounded something like the one Moses had in this passage.

4. While God saw Moses as the perfect person to face Pharaoh and speak the word of the Lord to the leader of Egypt, Moses saw himself as a political fugitive and a poor communicator who had no business facing the king. Give examples of how God can see us one way and we can see ourselves very differently. What can we do to increase our ability to se ourselves from God’s perspective?

5. Really, the best thing you can do is to say yes to God, even when we do not feel adequate for the ask ahead. Tell about a time when you dared to say yes and followed God, even when you were afraid. How did God show up and lead you?

6. God always was, is, and will be; he calls himself “I AM” the self-existent one. How can embracing the reality that the God we worship is the eternal “I AM” help you face the challenging moment of a normal day?

7. What is one area of your life where you tend to focus more on your limitations than God’s ability to work through you? How can others pray for you and encourage you as you seek God’s leading in this area?

Prayer: As you take time to pray, here are some ideas to get you started:
a. Thank God that he uses limited, ordinary, and even broken people to accomplish his purposes in this world.

b. Ask God to help you see yourself through his eyes more than through your own eyes.

c. Confess where you have refused to follow God out of fear and pray for greater courage in the future.

Next Week:

Exodus 19-20; 24-25; 32-34; 40

January 26, 2025

GENESIS 37; 39; 41-48; 50

1. From a human standpoint, Joseph was in the worst place: abandoned by family, sold into slavery, cast into prison (Genesis 39:20-23) From a divine perspective, he was in the best place. How do you see God working in Joseph and showing blessing, even in the pain of these moments of his life?

2. In the darkest times of Joseph’s life, we read that “The LORD was with Joseph.” How have you experienced the Lord being with you in the hard times of life? What are some of the signs that God is with us, even in the dark places.

3. Joseph waited two years in prison for someone to remember him and send help. Tell about a time you waited for months or years on an answer from the Lord. How did you make it through this long season of waiting?

4. God has an amazing ability to bring good out of life’s bad situations. Tell about a time when something hard and painful happened in your life, but later you saw God accomplish something wonderful in his story of his will.

5. At the end of chapter 3, Joseph was reunited with his brothers twenty-two years after they sold him off as a slave. What strikes you about Joseph’s attitude toward his brothers and the way he treats them? What does this teach us about the condition of his heart and the depth of his faith?

6. Joseph could have retaliated and gotten revenge on his brothers for all the wrong they had done to him. Instead, he provided for them and extended forgiveness. What makes it hard to forgive people who have intentionally wronged us? What can we do to forgive, even when it is difficult.

January 19, 2025

GENESIS 12-13; 15-17; 21-22; 32-33;35

1. Is there something in your life you feel hesitant to release?

2. How might letting it go bring you closer to God or align you with His purpose?

3. How can you trust that God’s replacement will be far more valuable?

4. Are you open to receiving God’s rewards, even if they look different from what you expect?

January 12, 2025

GENESIS 1-4, 6-9

1. In what ways was life in the original creation different from life as we know it today?

2. Why did God create humans in his own image? What does this mean?

3. What was the root cause of Adam and Eve’s sin against God?

4. Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden?

5. Why did God bring the flood upon the earth?

6. What does this act of judgment tell you about God?